The Electric Grid in the Digital Age

NATIONAL REVIEW ..……… At the dawn of the 21st century the National Academy of Sciences published a retrospective on the previous century’s most important inventions. The top three on the list were, in this order: the electric grid, the automobile and airplane.

Will ‘Video-Shaming’ Follow Our Summer of ‘Flight-Shaming’?

NATIONAL REVIEW .……..  Summer 2019 saw the duke of Sussex and Mayor Pete Buttigieg both apologizing for the “sin” of flying private, given the supposedly drastic effect it has on the climate. And in August, to much media hoopla, a Swedish teenage “climate warrior” sailed to New York to encourage everyday folks to stop flying so much.

If You Want ‘Renewable Energy,’ Get Ready to Dig

WALL STREET JOURNAL ….. Democrats dream of powering society entirely with wind and solar farms combined with massive batteries. Realizing this dream would require the biggest expansion in mining the world has seen and would produce huge quantities of waste. “Renewable energy” is a misnomer. Wind and solar machines and batteries are built from nonrenewable…

Inconvenient Energy Realities

e21 ….   Bill Gates has said that when it comes to understanding energy realities “we need to bring math to the problem.” He’s right. Herein, then, is a summary of some of bottom-line realities from the underlying math behind “The New Energy Economy: An Exercise in Magical Thinking”