The Invention of the War Machine

The New Atlantis, co-author M. Anthony Mills War has “always been the mother of invention,” wrote the historian A.J.P. Taylor. The First World War in particular is often taken to be a hinge in technological history — the war in which horses were widely used for the last time and weapons of mass destruction were deployed for…

A Four-Step Energy Strategy For Our Time

RealClearPolitics   It’s a sign of the times: The Islamic State is getting millions in oil revenues. According to one news organization, the terror group is even recruiting petroleum engineers. And farther north, Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko secured a promise from the White House last week for the U.S. to join in a review of his…

Tesla Derangement Syndrome

The Tesla is no mere car.  It is a movement.  One prominent investment analyst told me he was subjected to a — to use the indelicate Scottish phrase – ‘shite’-storm the likes of which he’d never experienced when he’d issued an unenthusiastic analysis of Tesla.

The Data Are Clear: Robots Do Not Create Unemployment

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the first electronic thinking machine that displaced knowledge workers. In February 1944, Britain’s Colossus, the world’s first computer, started to ‘think’ and successfully automate human mental labor. By the summer of 1944 there were three such machines hard at work. The rest, as they say, is history.

In The Future, Will Only Robots Celebrate Labor Day?

Just in time for Labor Day, in the thick of the restaurant-heavy summer season, the New York Times reported: “Restaurant industry experts are predicting that the fast food business will undergo a technological revolution in the next few years that will place increasing numbers of robots and other labor-saving devices in the kitchens.” That story ran on…

A Marshall Plan for Energy

National Review Online Now is the time to think about the next Euro-Russian conflict. Europe is steaming toward a new Cold War with Russia and dragging America along in its geopolitical bow wake. The U.S. is also embroiled in Russia’s proxy activities in the Middle East, where we have seen an Arab Spring dwindle into…