Presidents CAN lower gasoline prices

Presidents may not be able to keep the seas from rising, or persuade Congress to go along with their favorite policies.  But presidents can lower the cost of gasoline.  Whoever becomes president after November 6th can, with the stroke of a pen, drive the price of oil down. For proof we have two facts that…

Down The Digital Rabbit Hole As We Automate Everything

There is a new Big Thing coming.  I’m not talking about the election, but a deep secular cycle in technology that has enormous implications for our economy. The pessimists are wrong about the end of innovation, and growth, just as they have been serially wrong for as long as there’s been techno-pessimists and intellectual Malthusians. But the…

The Efficiency Wall and the Future of the Internet’s Energy Cost

“As the use of the Internet continues to grow and massive computing facilities are demanding that performance keep doubling, devoting corresponding increases in the nation’s electrical energy capacity to computing may become too expensive.” [National Academy of Sciences] A central tenet of nearly all Internet energy forecasts is that there will continue to be improvements…