3 myths on our natural gas boom
USA Today For all the coverage America's energy boom has gotten, there are still a lot of common assumptions about the oil and natural gas business that are flat out wrong.
USA Today For all the coverage America's energy boom has gotten, there are still a lot of common assumptions about the oil and natural gas business that are flat out wrong.
The 3D printers are coming. And fast. The only debate is over how fast. Velocity matters for stock pickers following the small world of pure-play public 3D printing companies. It is also relevant for business analysts and, perhaps surprisingly, for energy forecasters.
Wall Street Journal, co-author Professor Don Howard, Notre Dame. In a few years "autonomous drive" could be as common and inexpensive for car buyers as "hybrid drive" is today.
Investors Business Daily Silicon Valley may get better press, but in this period of dismal employment growth it's the oft-maligned hydrocarbon sector that's creating more jobs faster.
Every year-end is a time for reflection and looking forward. And for generating lists of top tens — worst videos, greatest moments, best cars, biggest lies, etc. My favorite lists involve technology, and in particular thinking about associated social, economic, cultural and ethical implications. If you want to fire up your neurons here at year-end,…
e21: Economic Policies For The 21st Century, Spencer Abraham & Mark P. Mills Congressional passage of Dodd-Frank was intended to address the root causes of the 2008 financial collapse. Most people think that the legislation just applies to banks. But swept into Dodd-Frank are the financial tools used by major energy producers and consumers to…